Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Windows 7 Shutdowns Begin in July not June

A e-mail sent this weekend alerted Windows 7 Beta testers that Windows 7 will shut down July 1st, not June 1st as stated before.

The e-mail warned users that the beta version of Windows 7 would expire on August 1 and suggested that users upgrade to "non-expired" copies, like Windows 7 RC or Windows Vista. Bi-hourly shutdowns of the beta version, however, will begin on July 1, not June 1.


"The Windows 7 Beta does expire on August 1, 2009; unfortunately the date for when bi-hourly shutdowns will begin for the Windows 7 Beta was incorrect. "Bi-hourly shutdowns for the Windows 7 Beta will begin July 1, 2009." Microsoft Spokesman- Brandon LeBlanc.



"We apologize for the confusion and inconvenience this may have caused," he said.

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