Saturday, May 2, 2009

More Zune HD Details

A few weeks after the leaked photographs of the Zune HD leaked to the internet there are now details about the top secret device.

The Zune HD is set to have a multi-touch OLED 16:9 and will have a HDMI port on the side. We now know that the HDMI will be used to connect the device to TV’S but, it is unclear if it will be used to transfer data. The Zune will come in 16 and 32GB and will support wireless syncing with PC’s. There are also some rumours that it will be powerful enough to play 3-D Xbox games.

There have also been some speculation about a multi-touch browser. We don’t yet know what browser it will be but lets hope it’s not something similar to Internet Explorer for Windows Mobile. The Zune HD is set to be launched this fall, along with Windows 7. It most likely will be sold in Canada, the U.K, and the U.S. and France.


May 2, 2009


  1. will it have internet?What will it cost for the 16GB?

  2. Yes the Zune HD will have internet (lets pray its not Internet Explorer 6)
