Friday, May 29, 2009

Create a Windows Vista Gadget

In Microsoft’s latest Operating System there is a popular feature called Sidebar and Gadgets. When you want a new gadget for Windows Vista most people would just look online. What if the gadget you are looking for is not online; then what. Go ahead and create your own. Before I get started lets get something straight, there is no magic button that will create the gadget you want, you need to work and have some basic (not the language) programming skills. If you have the programming skills this should be a piece of cake; or pie if you prefer.

The Steps:

1.Click "Start," your account's name (at the top of the start menu), "AppData," "Local," "Microsoft," "Windows Sidebar," then "Gadgets."

2.Right-click on the white part of the "Gadgets" folder window. Select "New" then "Text Document." Name the file "gadget.xml."


3.Right-click "gadget.xml," choose "Open With," and choose "Notepad." Now, paste the following code in. Then save the file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

- <gadget>

<name>First Gadget<name>



- <author name="Name">

<info url="" />



<description>My first gadget</description>

- <hosts>

- <host name="sidebar">

<base type="HTML" apiVersion="1.0.0" src="first.html" />


<platform minPlatformVersion="0.3" />





4.Right-click the white part of the "Gadgets" folder window again, choose "New," and choose "Text Document." Paste the following code in. You can mess with the text that will display as you want. Then save the file as "first.html."



<title>My first gadget</title>


body {







My first gadget!




5.Press "Control" then click both documents. Right-click, select "Send To..." and choose "Compressed (zipped) Folder."

6. Rename your folder "first.gadget."

7. Double click "first.gadget." Click install.

If you have any problems don't hesitate to ask.

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