Sunday, May 10, 2009

Is It Time For Microsoft To Reveal The Windows 7 Release Date?

With the release of the Windows 7 RC1 long gone Beta testers are anxious to know when it will be released.

Microsoft has been very secretive about the Windows 7 release date to be avoid the constant delays during the Windows Vista development. Recently Acer had accidently leaked a possible release date for Windows 7, as October 23 but they still won’t deny or confirm the leak.

Recently Microsoft has confirmed that Windows 7 will release in 2009 but refuse to give any details. Every detail points for a Windows 7 release in time for the holiday 2009 season.

Bill Gates said at a speech in Miami in April 2008 that Windows 7 was coming "in the next year or so." Microsoft just said Bill Gates is crazy talking.

Sources have consistently said that a 2009 launch has been Microsoft's goal and even some Microsoft folks have suggested as much. In an interview with Bloomberg News last month, Microsoft senior vice president Bill Veghte said that a holiday launch was "accomplishable."

I personally think that because the final Beta of Windows 7 has been released Microsoft should immediately reveal the release date. If they don’t soon Windows fans will loose their patience and will move to OSX or Linux.

Steve Wilcoski

May 10

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