Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is Internet Explorer 8 Really the Worlds Fastest Browser?

Internet Explorer 8 is Microsoft's newest version of the popular browser. For a few years now Mozilla’s Firefox has been claiming that it is the worlds fastest browser but it now looks like Internet Explorer 8 has stripped the title from Mozilla.

When Internet Explorer 7, and Firefox 2 were released in 2006 the speed difference between the two browsers where only a few milliseconds. Both companies where determined to create the fastest browser. Firefox 3 and Internet Explorer 8 released within weeks of each other with both having many innovative features, and both having an incredible speed increase.

The video below shows how you need a high speed camera to catch the speed difference between Firefox 3, Chrome and Internet Explorer 8.

The results show that Internet Explorer 8 loads fastest on:

  • 5 of the top 10 most popular websites
  • 12 of the top 25 most popular websites
  • 3 times as fast as Firefox
  • 1/3 times as fast as chrome


Safari, Oprah and other browsers where not shown because they are no where as close as fast as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.

It seems like Microsoft has beaten Firefox this time, but lets see how secure these browsers are.

Tripp Zao

May 5 2009

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