Sunday, May 31, 2009

Windows 7 Build 7127 Screens

If you were looking for something new from the first post-RC (release candidate) build of Windows 7, you're going to be disappointed. From what I can see, nothing has changed since the RC, and this build serves only as a further reminder that Microsoft should be able to finalize this OS at any time. Here are a few shots for your enjoyment.

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

Windows 7 build 7127

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