Sunday, May 24, 2009

Customise Windows 7 Action Center

The Windows 7 Action Center is a new version of the Windows Vista Security Center. It monitors certain Windows components and alerts the user when a setting is set in such a way that it can harm you or your computer. The Action Center will also tell you things about the security of Windows.

These alerts might be helpful to the average person using Windows 7 but it may just be an annoyance to more experienced users who know what they are doing.

The good news is that these annoying notifications can be modified by accessing the Action Center control panel from the Start Menu.

windows 7 action center

action center

Experienced users can disable all Action Center notifications so that they will not show up in the taskbar anymore. Another option to completely disable Action Center in Windows 7 is to access the System Icons module in the Control Panel to change the Action Center entry from on to off.

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