Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Truth About Windows Security

For a few years now, people have been discussing which Operating System is the most secure. Microsoft says that Windows is most secure, Apple says OSX is more secure.

I did some digging around the internet to find out which is most secure. I found a interview with a hacker that a news organization did:

Question: Why do you do what you do

Answer: The Money

Question: What Operating System do you create viruses for the most

Answer: Of course Windows

Question: Why do you create viruses for Windows more than OSX

Answer: It is obvious. 90% of computers run Windows, therefore I can make much more money by creating viruses for Windows. Its common sense

Question: Have you also created viruses for OSX

Answer: Yes, but I have not released it into the wild

Question: What Operating System is easiest to create viruses for

Answer: I have no doubt that it’s OSX. OSX is very easy to hack. Windows and Linux is extremely hard to hack but Windows is harder.

Question: If it is easy to hack OSX why not create viruses for OSX

Answer: Because it brings in less income than Windows

Question: How is OSX so easy to hack

Answer: 1. The security is just awful, and for some reason Apple thinks it is so great.

2. People who use OSX are not that smart. They think that because they use OSX they can do anything on the net, which is not true. Mac users are to trusting.

Question: Do you think an OSX “super virus” is in the near future

Answer: Yes

It’s official, it seems like Windows is more secure. I'm not too surprised that this hacker said that OSX is easier to hack than Windows because, for years now several test’s have proved it.


May 12

Note: Any opinion expressed are not those of The Unofficial Windows Blog

1 comment:

  1. it might be more convincing if you provided a link to the original interview.

    why shouldn't someone just think you made all this up?
