Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Find a Websites IP Address

There are many reasons why you would want to find someone IP Address. Perhaps your diagnosing a broken internet connection, or blocking a malicious website. Whatever you need it for, finding out an IP Address is a simple task.

1. Navigate to STARTRun...,

2. Enter "cmd" and press enter to open up the Command Prompt window. The following window should appear:

3. Enter "ping", followed by the name of the website (e.g. ping wikihow.com). You should see the following:

4. Take note of the results. The IP address will appear several times on the screen. IP addresses have four numbers, 0-255, separated by periods. This value can be used to bypass website blocks, create website blocks, and a lot more.

5. An easy alternative way to find website IP is to use an online tool like this: Find Website IP

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