Friday, June 5, 2009

Best Buy Memo Leaks Windows 7 Upgrade Prices and Says Vista Doesn't Work

 image Ouch. The Best Buy memos above leaks the Windows 7 upgrade prices and accidently gives its opinion about Windows Vista:

"Microsoft is launching Windows 7 in mid-October 2009. This new operating system isn't just a "Vista that works" program - it's a new operating system with improved productivity, functionality and creativity that uses less computer resources."

Other than that Best Buy comment the Best Buy memo says:

  • any PC sold with Vista Home Premium, Business or Ultimate between June 26th and the Windows 7 launch day (October 22nd) will be eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 7.
  • Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade will be available from $49.99
  • Windows 7 Professional upgrade from $99.99 through their website after 26th June ‘09 for a limited promotional period of 16 days.
  • The Editions wont be shipped until Windows 7 is officially released.

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