Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Windows 7 RC Download Deadline is August 15

Microsoft will turn off Windows 7 RC downloads on August 15 2009.

The download program closes August 15. After that, you won't be able to get the download, but you can still install the RC and get a key if you need one," Microsoft employee Stephen Rose said.

Microsoft released the final public windows_rc.jpgpreview of Windows 7 on May 4. At the time Microsoft said that Windows 7 will be available through July and changed its policy when there was an overwhelmingly high amount of downloads.

Windows 7 will be launched on October 22 2009.

Windows 7 RC will not expire until June 10 2009 and will shut down at two-hour intervals starting March 1, 2010.

Testers who still use Windows 7 Beta will experience automatic shutdowns much sooner than Release Candidate users. You need to move to the RC and fast," a Microsoft employee said.

People who want to download the Windows 7 RC can do it here.

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