Thursday, June 18, 2009

Microsoft’s Bing Does Good for a Second Week in a Row

Its still early in the game but Microsoft’s new search engine managed to hold onto its second place spot in the search engine market share.

Bing’s market share is up about 3 percentage points from where Microsoft was at pre-Bing in terms of both number of searchers and total query share. That is about a 1 percent gain from both categories in its first week.

For the week of June 8 to 12, Microsoft's search engines were used by 16.7 percent of those doing searches and accounted for 12.1 percent of all queries, both up 3 percentage points from where Microsoft was at before Bing's launch.

"It appears that Microsoft Bing has continued to generate interest from the market for the second consecutive week," ComScore Senior VP Mike Hurt said in a statement. "These early data reflect a continued positive market reaction to Bing in the initial stages of its launch."

Microsoft launched Bing at the beginning of the month, after a lengthy development period and months of internal testing.

For its part, Microsoft seems to recognize it is still very early. The software maker has declined to comment on the market share gains.

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