Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bing Picks up Market Share Rapidly

On June 9 comScore showed reliable data showing that Microsoft's latest search engine ,Bing ,is gaining market share and rapidly.  According to comScore, the initial results of a week’s worth of share analysis “show a substantial improvement in Microsoft’s position in the search market in the days following Bing’s introduction.”

The increase in market share is not just a one day increase. Bing increased searchers among US users from 13.8 percent during the period of May 26-30 to 15.5 percent during the period of June 2-6, 2009. Microsoft’s share of search result pages in the U.S. grew 9.1 percent, to 11.1 percent, during the same timeframe, comScore said.

I have been trying to use Bing as my default search engine. I’ve found that Bing is excellent when looking for specific things like like airfares, digital cameras, lists of symptoms for a medical condition, but doesn't return good results for searching for things like blog posts.

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