Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Bing Ad Claims That Bing Will Eliminate Search Overload

Microsoft, released its first Bing advertisement today. The new ad claims that Bing will eliminate “search overload”

The Bing ad is the first of a ad campaign that's about to pound the world via television, radio, print, and the Web. This will cost Microsoft over $100 million. While the ad does not mention, or show Google the, the target of the ads are most likely to tell Googlers that Google "isn't all that”.

Entitled "Manifesto," Microsoft's first Bing commercial connects search engine effectiveness with bank bailouts and Wall Street Woes.

"While everyone was searching, there was bailing," a narrator says. "While everyone was lost in the links, there was collapsing. We don't need queries and keywords if they bring back questions and confusion. From this moment on, search overload is officially over."

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