Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Windows 7 SP1 Build 7227 Leaked

Wzor has posted information about Windows 7 Build 7227, which is already appearing on torrent sites. Only a 32-bit client seems to have leaked so far. Here are the details according to Wzor in case you have intentions to download it.


FILE: 7227.0.x86fre.winmain_sp.090602-2110.client_en-us.ultimate.vhd
(the original VHD in packed RAR archive, size RAR file: 2,005,278,460 byte
SHA1: 3FFE342C8A9FD2CDF0AF937D2A25BCA640C4010B)
SIZE: 5,584,065,536 byte
CRC: 616985FA
MD5: F98F78D86940761D8909023A00C75704
SHA1: 082F189EE4F58393D3CB113B0F46EC0E1EE41BD8

Wzor published 3 images along with the above information:




According to uploader of Build 7227 the following changes have been made:

1. Changes in the mechanism for displaying thumbnails in the taskbar.

2. Pop-Up lists for the panel

3. Pop-Up lists for Remote Desktop

4. Applying the settings of the taskbar

5. Multitouch zoom

6. Invert selection

7. You can search for music by artist

8. View the contents of the search results

9. Intelligent indexing after installation

10. Reducing the length of playback sounds system

11. Changes in the panel Devices and Printers

12. Changes in the mechanism of extraction devices

13. Support for FireWire-cameras

14. Reduction in section in system

15. Improved driver support

16. Reducing the paging file

17. Assigning a letter to boot with two OS loaded

18. Naming the section reserved for the system.

There are rumors out there that this build could be fake and that build 7230 will be leaked tomorrow evening.


Wzor did post additional news about the RTM of Windows 7. It is an automatic translation of the Russian text that has been posted on the Wzor site:

Today at breakfast, Steve Balmer (Steve Ballmer) has told us that because of Steve Dzhobsa (Steve Jobs) with a “snow leopard” (Snow Leopard), about which he informed him yesterday, had to adjust their plans and that, prior to final assembly RTM release is now nothing left to do all that is three steps.
Step one: from 10 to 15 June will be the last public build is available for corporate partners Microsoft, this “public” assembly will be assembled:
6.1.7229.0.winmain.090604-1901. Since then and up until the final RTM release is no domestic partnership, or the assembly will not be available.
* (We are talking about formal access assemblies and can escape anything in the network, even the latest current build: 6.1.7230.0.winmain.090605-1900 - and this assembly may be RTM Escrow assembly).
Step Two: just since mid-June will be collected in the assembly - the candidates for the final RTM release, none of these assemblies will not be distributed to partners.
Step three: final RTM release of Windows 7 will be collected until the day of the summer solstice that is, until 21 June! In Microsoft realize that the case should be initiated prior to finish it before this mysterious date!
Since June 19, you may receive the RTM release of Windows 7 and the Internet.
Finish?: Since the assembly in the RTM release of Microsoft will be a closed test release before signing (sign-off), before the end of these procedures, no one can argue what will become an official build, the final RTM release of Windows 7.
The forthcoming assembly RTM build is not suggested that it would immediately appear on CONNECT’e or the subscribers to MSDN.
Be careful with this point a mass of false information about the final release. We will promptly inform you!
The eyes and Co.

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