Sunday, June 14, 2009

Does Bing have Google Scared?


Microsoft may have developed a contender for the dominate search engine, Google. 

In a New York Post story it reports that the launch of Bing has upset Google co-founder Sergey Brin that he has top engineers working on "urgent upgrades" to Google's service. Brin is said to be leading a team to determine the difference between Google’s top secret search algorithm and Bings algorithm. The tabloid also notes that it's rare for Google's co-founders to have such a hands-on involvement in the company's daily operations.

"New search engines have come and gone in the past 10 years, but Bing seems to be of particular interest to Sergey," an anonymous source described as an "insider" to the newspaper.

Microsoft, which launched as Bing as its default search engine earlier this month, is reportedly spending $80 million to $100 million in an ad blitz to tout its latest search effort. Rival Google, meanwhile, spent just $25 million total on advertising last year, according to an AdAge report.

Bing’s launch increased Microsoft’s search market share from 9.1% to 11.1%.

However, that initial increase didn't impress Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who was pretty tight-lipped earlier this week when queried about Bing's arrival.

"It's not the first entry for Microsoft, They do this about once a year." Schmidt said Tuesday

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