Friday, June 12, 2009

European Union Demands that Windows 7 Comes With Browser


European competition officials said that they were unimpressed by Microsoft's move to ship a version of Windows 7 without Internet Explorer or any other browser.

"If the commission were to find that Microsoft had committed an abuse, the commission has suggested that consumers be offered a choice of browser, not that Windows should be supplied with no browser at all," the European Union's European Commission said in a statement.

Microsoft on Thursday said that it would release a version of it’s next operating system called Windows 7 E, which would not include Internet Explorer. The firm said that it would be up to consumers and PC manufacturers what internet browser they install. The EC said that it could do more harm then good.

"Given that over 95% of consumers acquire Windows pre-installed on a PC, it is particularly important to ensure consumer choice through the computer manufacturer channel. Microsoft has apparently decided to supply retail consumers with a version of Windows without a Web browser at all. Rather than more choice, Microsoft seems to have chosen to provide less," said the EC.

Earlier this year the EC said that Microsoft’s bundling of Internet Explorer with Windows violated European anti-trust laws (funny that they don’t fine Apple). The EC has also find Microsoft with $1 billion in the past.

"Given the pending legal proceeding, we've decided that instead of including Internet Explorer in Windows 7 in Europe, we will offer it separately and on an easy-to-install basis to both computer manufacturers and users. This means that computer manufacturers and users will be free to install Internet Explorer on Windows 7, or not, as they prefer. Of course, they will also be free, as they are today, to install other Web browsers," wrote Dave Heiner, Microsoft's deputy general counsel.

In Europe Microsoft offered a version of Windows called Windows N, which did not include Windows Media Player. Windows N was highly unpopular with consumers.

Heiner said Windows 7 E will be available in 23 European languages and will ship the same time Windows 7 is delivered to the rest of the world " Oct. 22.

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