Thursday, April 23, 2009

Improve Your Computers Performance

Is your computer slow, do applications crash often. Many people would consider buying a whole new computer to fix the problem. Buying a new computer would solve the problem but there are built in tools to help you do this cost free.

Disk Defragment

Disk Defragment sounds quite scary doesn't it. It sounds like it is designed to destroy everything on your Hard Drive, it is actually designed to rearrange items on your Hard Drive so Windows and Applications can get access to the files faster. I recommend you do this at least every month(In Windows Vista you can schedule times to defragment).

To access Dick Defragment:

  • In Windows Vista click start and type in Disk Defragment and click Disk Defragment”
  • In Windows XP go to start, all programs, accessories, system tools, Disk Defragment

In Windows Vista a window (screenshot above). In Windows XP a different window will appear (screenshot below).

In Windows Vista click “defragment now” in Windows XP click “Defragment”

Defragmenting can take quite a while so be patient.

Disable Start-up Programs

When you start up your computer some applications load in the background(many that you don’t use) causing start-up times to slow down.

To access “msconfig” in Windows Vista press start and type in msconfig, than click msconfig. User Account Control my pop up asking for a username and password.

In Windows XP press and hold down together the Windows Key and “R”, type in “msconfig” and press enter.


Go to the “startup” tab. Uncheck all programs you don’t need to startup in the background. (Note: Don’t uncheck security software). Click apply and close the window.

Disable Services

Services are like mini programs running in the background. Unfortunately these little programs take up lots of power. To disable certain services get to “msconfig”again. This time click the Services tab. Make sure to check “hide Microsoft services”. Now disable all services you don’t need. If you don’t know what a service is (ie.syshep) expand location header and you will find out that it is an iTunes helper. Don’t disable any services that say essential on them.

Remove Documents

It is quite easy to remove documents. Press start click documents, select what documents you don’t need, and press the delete button on your keyboard.

To be continued…

Remove Unused Programs

Most people have many unused programs on thier computer which causes the computer to slow down. Removing unused programs will help allot .

To remove programs:

  • In Windows XP click start, Control Panel, click add or remove programs
  • In Windows Vista click start, search programs and click Programs and Features


Select the programs you don’t need and click remove.

Disable Visual Effects

Disabling Aero in Windows Vista and visual affect’s in Windows XP will also speed up your computer

You can disable visual effects in XP by going to the Performance options window.

You can disable Aero in the Appearance Settings window in the Control Panel

After doing these things your computer will start to speed up

Written By: Louis Mark

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