Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Windows XP Support Ends, no Need to Worry

Today, as planned Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003. Windows XP is the worlds most used operating system with more than 60% of all computers worldwide running it.

Fortunately, for Windows XP users there is little need to panic, the firm will continue to offer extended support for both products until April 8 2014, giving people plenty of time for people to upgrade to Windows Vista, Windows 7 (Microsoft’s next operating system) or even Windows 8.

Non-Security fixes will be able to those few who signed up for extended support.

All security updates will be be patched until April 4 2014.

Many people are wondering if this means my Windows Live software and other software such as, Windows Media Player, Microsoft Office 2007 and Internet Explorer will still be supported. The answer is YES. Microsoft has confirmed that most Microsoft software will continue to be supported.

If you are looking into upgrading to Windows Vista or prepping for the launch of Windows 7 try the Microsoft Laptop Scout.

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