Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Meet the People Who Make The Unofficial Windows Blog

Many people think that this Blog, The Unofficial Windows Blog, has only one person writing but that is not true. The Unofficial Windows Blog has writers all over the world, in every continent except the arctic, Antarctic, and Africa.


Louis is the creator of the Unofficial Windows Blog, and is located in Canada. His favourite game is The Sims 2. He anxiously awaits the Sims 3. He enjoys programming in Ruby, writing, reading, and playing games.

Omar Hoolgs

Omar Hoogls, lives in The United States of America. Omar’s favourite game is Grand Theft Auto 4. Omar is the only one on the team that can’t program in any language. He enjoys playing games, playing sports, and pranking.

Steven Wilcoski

Steven lives in Great Britain. His favourite game is Wii Sports. As you could of guessed he likes sports. He enjoys Soccer, reading, writing, and jogging.

Tripp Zao

Tripp, lives in Japan. He claims that he does not like any games though he does play Windows Chess allot. He enjoys Sports, reading, math and science.

All of us love Microsoft & Windows

Written By: The Unofficial Windows Blog Team

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