Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vista/7 More Secure than OSX and Linux

Security is always a highlycontended subject, and last week Microsoft claimed that Windows Vista and Windows  7 is the world’s most secure OS, beating both Linux and Mac OS X.

Here’s what Microsoft’s chief operating officer Kevin Turner had said


Vista today, post-Service Pack 2, which is now in the marketplace, is the safest, most reliable OS we’ve ever built. It’s also the most secure OS on the planet, including Linux and open source and Apple Leopard. It’s the safest and most secure OS on the planet today. Everything that we’ve learned in Vista will be leveraged in Windows 7, but certainly when we broke a lot of the compatibility issues to lock down user account controls, to lock down the ability to manipulate states and all the things, that was a very painful process for us to grow through, but we had to do it. And the reason that Windows 7 will be successful is because of the pain we took on Vista. Because from a compatibility standpoint, if it works on Vista, it will work on Windows 7. If it doesn’t work on Vista, it won’t work on Windows 7.


The My OS is better then yours is pointless and benefits nobody.

As a Windows user I can’t help but believe that Windows is more secure than any other OS but the facts actually prove that Windows is really more secure than any other OS. Intact almost all tests agree with Kevin Turner and I. The only reason Windows has so many viruses is because most people use Windows, therefore virus makers can make much more money off infected PC’s. If you don’t agree here is a analogy I made:

If you had the choice to rob a house with only $1 in it with all the doors unlocked, or the choice of a house with a $1,000,000 in it with tight security which would you choose. The average guy with common sense would pick the second one. Windows would be the house with $1,000,000 and OSX & Linux would be the first choice.

Tripp Zao

April 23 2009

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