Monday, April 20, 2009

CNBC has Lost it's Mind

Regular, non computer geeks, are very confused enough about buying a Mac or PC so CNBC decided to clear things up by breaking the true cost of Mac and PC ownership. Wait, I did not know that Mac’s had battery that lasted all day.

According to CNBC Silicon Valley Bureau Chief (a ridiculous title) PC’s need many more things to perform as well as Mac’s such as:


Product: Price: The Truth:
Norton Anti-Virus $50 Year I got Norton Internet Security for $30 from Canada Computers.All OS’S need Anti-Virus software.
Multimedia Software $80-$104 What the hell is he talking about, Windows Media Center has all the multimedia you need.
Photoshop $140 Only professional photo editors need it. The average user only Needs Photo Gallery. 
Video Editing $100 Comes with Windows
Music Software $100 Why would you need music software. Windows Media Player has all you need.
Geek Squad Visit $129 Most Mac’s and PC’s will need to visit Geek Squad

He also said Mac’s get 6x the battery life (not true) faster processors (not true) and higher screen resolutions (not true).

Last time I checked you could get very decent anti-virus software for free, Mac’s don’t come with Photoshop or endless battery, and iTunes is free and OSX and Windows. There are very decent free photo editing software on Windows  like Google’s Picasa and is just as good or better than iPhoto. It’s finny how he forgot to mention how Windows Live is 100% free and Apple’s Mobile Me (the Windows Live equivalent) charges $100 a year.

There are reasons not to get a PC like there are valid reasons not to get a Mac. But this guy is on a news program as a reporter and the public will believe most things the news tells them, if he’s going to go on TV and tell people why Mac’s are better than PC’s go ahead, but he should know what he’s talking about. I hope this guy gets fired and has to wash is mouth out with soap. :)

Mac’s have a battery that last all day, C’mon guy!!

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