Friday, April 24, 2009

Windows 7 RC Screenshots

Apparently, Windows 7 RC1 has leaked to the internet and I’ve obtained some screenshots. The build number of this leak is 7100. I would take the fact that this is the Release Candidate with a grain of salt because thats what people also said about Windows 7 build 7049. The day Windows 7 RC1 was leaked was April 24, 2009 which means that Microsoft is just a week away from the rumoured official Windows 7 RC release date. Currently Windows 7 is very close to the RTM stages which I suspect will happen between August-September 2009.

Some rumours have been circulating the internet saying that Windows 7 RC will have a very different user interface from the Beta. What leads people to believe this is because Microsoft has split up the build’s into two sections, which they did while Windows XP was in development, and XP ended up getting a brand new interface. It makes sense for Microsoft to do this because you would not want a new interface leaking to the internet. If these rumours are true the two build branches would be merged into one when Windows 7 RC1 is officially released.

Thank you to Paul Thurrott for these screenshots.

win7_rc_01 win7_rc_02 win7_rc_03 win7_rc_04 win7_rc_05 win7_rc_06 win7_rc_07 win7_rc_08 win7_rc_09 win7_rc_10 win7_rc_11 win7_rc_12 win7_rc_14 win7_rc_15 win7_rc_16 win7_rc_17 win7_rc_18 win7_rc_19 win7_rc_20 win7_rc_21 win7_rc_22 win7_rc_23 win7_rc_24 win7_rc_25 win7_rc_26

Written By: Louis Mark

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