Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stay Secure on Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger is the worlds most used instant messaging client. Hackers will try to find any way to infect your computer to steal your money by use of things like :

  • Phishing Attacks
  • Viruses
  • Worms

Windows Live Messenger is a top target for hackers because so many people use it.

By now you’ve most likely been sent a like like this one sent from a hacker posing as one of your friends:

Dodgy links through Messenger

Of course you would have clicked one of those links thinking that it was from one of your friends. When you click the link’s you find out that it had a virus! To prevent this from happening you should

  1. Look for suspicious behaviour. If your friend logged on sent you a link and logged off it is most likely a hacker
  2. If you try to reply and you get no answer it is most likely a virus'
  3. If the hacker sends the link while appearing offline it is most likely a virus.
  4. Have anti-virus software
  5. If you are not sure if a link is safe go to:http://safeweb.norton.com/ and check.

Hackers manage to hack your Windows Live account by simply asking for you password!

Dodgy scam login screenshot

It is extremely important that YOU NEVER EVER GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD TO ANYONE, EVEN A FRIEND. I took this screenshot above which asks you to type in you password. As you can see this looks much like the Windows Live ID login screen so the average user would put in their e-mail address and password.

Windows Live ID sign in

To know if the website asking for your password is really legitimate look in the URL bar to see if it green. If it is white or red it is most likely fake.

File Sharing

Often people will send you files through Windows Live Messenger. To protect yourself make sure you have proper Anti-Virus software and:

  • Look at the file format, never accept uncommon file types or .zip or .exe files
  • Ask your friend “Did you send me a file”

Written By: Tripp Zao

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