Thursday, April 30, 2009

Acer May Have Reviled Windows 7 Release Date

Today, the computer maker Acer may have reviled the Windows 7 release date, spoiling Microsoft's surprise. The computer builder said to Pocket Lint that Microsoft’s next operating system may be available October 23rd, just in time for one of Acer’s computers, that is under development, to come preloaded with the operating system.

The alleged release date comes slightly after Compal's claimed a September Windows 7 release, but this still means that Windows 7 will be finished far ahead of Microsoft's original release date. The firm has already admitted that Windows 7 is “slightly” ahead of schedule. This leak comes only 23 hours before Windows 7 Release Candidate is available for download.

When we called Microsoft, they had no comment regarding the leak.

Louis Mark'

April 30

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