Thursday, July 2, 2009

Microsoft Picks Zune’s AD Agency to Promote the Zune Phone (a.k.a. Pink)

Advertising firm McCann Erickson has won advertising contract with Microsoft.

The Office shft follows a pitch for a new Microsoft mobile offering won by McCann's T.A.G. unit, said sources. JWT, McCann and fellow roster shop Crispin, Porter + Bogusky competed for that assignment, for which the client used the code-name Pink. – AdWeek

image This is basically a confirmation that Microsoft was shopping the project around, and that's about the end of the new information.But a quick trip to the McCann T.A.G. site reveals a portfolio that contains three videos for the Zune, including two ads and a trade reel. Zune? Pink? Zunephone! Pinkphone! Pink Zune! Pink Zune phone! And so on.

Now, these ads are nestled among a fair number of Xbox promotional materials, so it's clear that this is one of Microsoft's go-to teams for advertising in general. But hell, since we still haven't seen any kind of confirmation that the Pink phone's alleged specs and Windows Mobile 7 rumors are real, that Pink is a hardware device, or that the project even still exists, we'll take what we can get. [Adweek via Slashgear]

From: Gizmodo

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