Friday, March 5, 2010

Videos and Photos of Microsoft’s Courier Tablet Leak


Since  September, when the first details about Microsoft tablet/  e-book reader were leaked, there has not been much more news about the Courier. That has changed. Engadget has received details about Microsoft’s tablet/e-book reader from a “extremely trusted source”.

Here is the breakdown. The Courier will basically be a extremely portable digital journal. It will be about the size of a 5x7 photo in a closed state, and will weigh less then a pound. You can get an idea about how small the device is from the photo below. The Courier is built on Nvidia’s Terga 2 processor and will run on Windows CE 6, which is the same OS that the Zune HD, Pink, and Windows Mobile 7 Series run on.


The interface looks like it will be pen based and will primarily be used for writing and drawing. The interface also appears to support handwriting and drawing recognition. The Courier also looks like it will be Microsoft’s e-book and tablet platform.

Check out a photo gallery and two videos of the Courier below.

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