Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Twitter Crashes, Again!

image Yet again Twitter’s servers crashed, this time at around 11:45 am PDT. Twitter members reported server time outs and 3rd party applications were not able to access the service.

On Twitters blog, employees said that the service had some issues for around 10 minutes.

"Responding to site downtime. We're working to recover from a site outage and will update as we learn more."

Twitter was back up and running again, approximately 36 minutes later.

In the past, outages were a common thing, because Twitters small servers could not keep up with the massive traffic, but the outages became less common as Twitter became more popular. This outage is particularly interesting because Twitter is still recovering from a denial-of-service attack last week. The attack was aimed at a Georgian activist blogger, but ended up crashing Twitters servers for several hours. There are rumors that the attack came from the Russian government.

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